Sunday, July 19, 2009

Naan Revisited

Liz and I went to visit Shilpa! And she made us naan! I would say that I helped, but that would be a lie: after pinching off a piece of dough to roll out, I promptly dropped it on the floor.

This time, Shilpa experimented with thyme, garlic powder and dill, and the results were delicious. I especially liked the flavor of the dill with the naan. I will be making my own this week, I hope.


  1. hahaha sounds like you were very helpful indeed! my mom and i are planning on making shrimp vindaloo and naan, so if you or shilps has a good recipe, can you post it? though we don't have a tandoori oven...

  2. yay! i hope it goes well. i love shrimp!

    Here's a recipe that's better than the last one I posted. It's all trial and error though so let me know if something you do works better!

    - 1.5 cup all purpose flour*
    - .5 cup whole wheat flour
    - 1 egg, beaten
    - 1 cup milk
    - 2 teaspoons sugar
    - 1 teaspoon salt
    - .5 teaspoon baking powder
    - 1 teaspoon dried yeast

    1. Mix yeast with warm water and let sit for 10 min.
    2. Mix the egg, milk, sugar, salt, baking powder, and yeast together in a bowl until sugar and salt have dissolved.
    3. Slowly add flour to the mixture until you have a good dough. You might need more than 2 cups of flour.
    4. Knead dough for 8-10 min. Let rise for an hour or two.
    5. Deflate dough and pinch off a piece. Roll into a ball and flatten into a circle with a rolling pin. If you want flavors (garlic powder, herbs, etc) press them into the dough as you roll it flat.
    6. Heat a pan and cook the naan on the stove, turning when each side is golden.

    Dab butter on finished bread and enjoy! I find that if you press the bread around the edges with a spatula while it's cooking, it'll puff up more.

    *you can adjust the flour proportions, but I found that the less whole wheat flour the fluffier the naan gets.
