Saturday, July 11, 2009

Microwave Cake Proves Too Good to be True

I was so excited when I saw this recipe for a single-serve cake that could be made in two minutes. I didn't know what to expect so I tried it myself. Even though the concept is really fun, I can't say that it's worth making. The texture is more pliant and elastic than normal cake, making it hard to fork out of the cup, and the flavor is not chocolatey enough. Are there any times I can imagine using this recipe? Maybe if there was absolutely nothing else for dessert, and I really needed something in 5 minutes. Maybe.

An interesting experiment, though!

4 T self-rising cake flour
4 T sugar
2 T cocoa
1 small egg
3 T milk
3 T oil or applesauce
⅛ t vanilla
2 T chocolate chips

Mix flour, sugar, cocoa and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, beat the egg. Stir the egg, milk, applesauce, vanilla, and chocolate chips in with the dry ingredients. Mix well and transfer to a lightly greased coffee mug. Microwave 1.5-2 minutes on high.


  1. i'm glad you attempted it though! now we can all learn from your experiences. god bless the food blog

  2. amen. vy, this is one you're going to have to avoid with your microwave :)

  3. My sister and I tried a preliminary experiment: baking frozen cookie dough in the microwave. I think one heating unit is broken in my microwave at USC, so they were all burnt on one side and raw on the other...

    We just ate the cookie dough.

    I guess I'll be avoiding all microwave cooking at this point. Oh well! Glad you were a pioneer, Zoe. I know to avoid...most microwave cooking now.
