Sunday, August 9, 2009


To distract myself from my disappointment, I made a loaf of bread! Isn't it beautiful? The photo is ostensibly for scale, but actually just gave me a chance to be really sketchy with a loaf of bread. :)

The ingredients are:

1 scant Tbsp yeast (mixed with warm water & a pinch of sugar and left to sit)
1 heaping Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups white flour
1 tsp salt (VERY important)
3/4 cup milk (or possibly water)
herbs! if you want

You have to knead it quite a bit, then let it rise and punch it down several times before baking it for 40-45 minutes at 350˚. I was also inspired to brush the top with a leeetle bit of egg white before baking, to give it that classy shine.


  1. prodding bread is completely acceptable. it looks perfect! i think i'm gonna try this recipe out :)

  2. Awesome! It's so round and shiny. Looks tasty.
    And Shilpa, don't condone the assault of bread! You're facilitating further abuse and perpetuating the...(bread equivalent of 'patriarchy')

  3. yeah, zoe, how can you be so animist? as in, favoring those things that are alive. respect the bread! just because it can't move, or breathe, or talk, doesn't mean you can just fondle it!
    though it's so beautiful, i can't really blame you.

  4. I hoped you would rise to the occasion, Neens.
