Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Classic Hummus

During finals week I was craving hummus like a madwoman. I caved in and bought some at the Swarthmore Co-Op, which overcharged me for a very delicious but also very small package of hummus. That's what I get for buying something with no preservatives in it.

After I read this classic recipe for hummus by the lovely Ree Drummond, I decided to make my own damn hummus. It's much cheaper, and you can customize it to your own tastes. Sometimes I don't like my hummus to be swimming in olive oil. Sometimes I want tons of garlic. Sometimes I don't. You get the idea.

It's a very easy recipe. You'll need: chickpeas, tahini (sesame paste), garlic, lemon juice, salt,and water. You can also add cumin, parsley, or basil to taste. Stick it in a blender until everything is smooth and tasty. Add olive oil at the end.

P.S. Sorry for the blurry / out-of-focus pictures. I'll try to do better.

Yum! One 15 oz. can of chickpeas (89 cents) made a lot more hummus than I expected. Definitely cost-effective. And delicious.


  1. damn, vy, i am impressed! i'm going to have to try this!

  2. wow, you guys are all so industrious! :)

  3. Vy!

    Whenever I've tried to make hummus, there's always been too much of one ingredient (yogurt, garlic, etc) and that ruins the consistency. Yours looks perfect, though-- I'll definitely try the recipe you linked.

    And for photographing food: have you tried using the macro mode on your camera?

  4. Yep. My hands get all shaky though and blur the photo just slightly. Also, I probably left the exposure too long because it was getting dark.

    I was just too eager to get to the food, so I forgot about the photos...
