Monday, June 22, 2009

Beet Curry

I think most people don't like beets. I like them but I've only had them in curries, not salads or anything else. My mom is a big fan and says that they're really healthy.

I love the color. The only downside, though, is that beets will temporarily stain your hands. And if you're messy it'll look like you murdered something in the kitchen.
As for taste, the curry is a little too sweet, even though I added spices and salt. I'll have to ask my mom how she makes it more savory.


  1. Hey, I like beets! My mom makes a yummy beet soup.

  2. That sounds good! I have some beets left over so I might try soup.

  3. i've never had beet curry or soup. i'd love the recipes for both, if you have them...nana cans a bunch of beets every year, and i don't really like them plain, but i think they could be good with other flavorings!
