Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Amy and Jasper's Excellent Food Adventure

Greetings, all! I am sorry it has been such a long time since my last post, but I have been rather preoccupied with visiting with Jasper and have not had the chance to update. But now I do! I tried to take pictures of the exciting food, though I unfortunately forgot to make use of my camera when we ate at City View dim sum (so good). Oh well. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I have 2 weeks of food to share! So without further ado, I give you: Amy and Jasper's Excellent Food Adventures!
I'm only going to include the very biggest highlights/the stuff that's not already on FB, so for In-N-Out, tea house, and Sweet Life, you'll have to go to my photos there.
Wine country! On Saturday we went with his parents to Napa/Sonoma Valley and ate at this fantastic Italian place. Our meal took about 2 hours and at the end of it I was so full I kind of wanted to explode. We started with fried calamari and fresh mozzarella and prosciutto pizza:

I had the rabbit papardelle with fresh mushrooms and some kind of sauce. Rabbit's nummy, in case you were considering having it!

For dessert, I had the most amazingly rich and fantastic hazelnut gianduja mousse cake with fresh raspberries and housemade gelato:

You can see why I gained 3 lbs, since this meal was by no means an isolated incident.
Road trip up to Oregon we had a picnic his parents had made. We got attacked by an epic thunderstorm around Ashland so we pulled over and had a picnic in the car in front of a dentist's office.
It was very classy. Cowgirl Creamery Mt. Tam cheese is DELICIOUS:

For the Eugene highlights, you'll have to go to my FB album "JasperVisit", if you haven't already! Though the fruit monster we made for McKenna's graduation party deserves to be seen here as well:

Isn't it magnificent?
Also, I don't know if any of you care, but Jasper and I are staying together for the summer (and beyonddd), which makes me happy at least!


  1. A few points...
    Excellent title.
    That Mousse cake makes me want to die.
    Excellent conclusion ;) (and I reserve the winky face only for a special few)

  2. sweet! (literally, re: the hazelnut gianduja mousse cake)

    SWEEEEEEEET! (figuratively, re: the continuation of Smoldberg)

    It looks like you had a lovely time :)

  3. Yayyy! Smoldberg, I like.

    Also, that rabbit pappardelle + mousse cake looks SO GOOD. The dining hall food here is so bad it makes me miss Sharples.

    We're trying to hack into the pantry so I can do some baking or cooking. The kitchens are locked.
