Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crispy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are more chewy than crispy, but that's how I like 'em. I splurged and bought Ghiradelli semisweet chips for these cookies--and I should have bought bittersweet, because I think the added bitterness would have stopped me from eating so many at a time. Irresistible!

Taken from one of my favorite cooking blogs (Smitten Kitchen), taken from one of my go-to recipe sites (

The brown sugar and vanilla in the cookie dough make it delightful paired with the sweet chocolate chips--that toffee flavor in chocolate chip cookies is enhanced quite a bit in this recipe. I love it!

Also, you can make face cookies with this recipe. That's right, cookies the size of your face will not burn in the oven when you use this recipe. Face cookies, as many of you might know, are my stress food of choice. I'm keeping this recipe for later.