Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hello, my pretties! I figured I'd start the holiday season off with a Christmas cookie post. I wanted to eat these yesterday, so I decided to make them. And then proceeded to eat about 15. Whoops. Also known as Mexican Wedding Balls and Russian Teacakes, I like to call them pecan snowballs (though this time I used walnuts and they were delicious) in the winter. Easier than anything, and only 5 ingredients! I took my own pictures, but then couldn't find my camera cord, so instead am just posting some I found on the internet. But the recipe is mine, so fear not!

2 c. flour
3/4 c. powdered sugar, plus some for rolling
1 c. (two sticks) butter, softened
1 t. vanilla
1 c. chopped nuts (pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts)
–> you can either chop the nuts in a food processor or by hand (I did the latter this time, because it's quieter and also more satisfying)

Sift flour and powdered sugar in a bowl. Beat in butter, vanilla, and nuts, but beware flying powder if you go too fast. Roll into small balls (1-inch or so, depending on what looks appealing to you) and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 325 degrees (I set it for 10 and then add time as needed--you want them to be very lightly browned, almost unnoticeably so).
Remove from oven, let cool on wire rack. Once cooled (or at least cooler, since I can never make myself wait til they're really cold), roll in powdered sugar. Wait a few more minutes/until they're cold, and roll in powdered sugar again. Eat. Share, because a) there will be plenty, and b) they're best the day they're made or the day after, but any longer than that and ... they're still delicious, just not AS delicious.
Makes about 30? Varies depending on cookie size. Delicious with tea or coffee. Be careful not to breathe in when you're eating them, because you'll inhale powdered sugar and cough rather unappealingly. But YUM!


  1. WHOA Amy revived the nom blog! Those cookies sound really good, despite the powdered-sugar inhalation issues.

  2. These look so delicious, Ames! I love eating powdered-sugar coated confections. Coughing and all.
